My talk @ EuroPython 2016

I had the great ex­pe­ri­ence of pre­sent­ing at Eu­roPy­thon 2016. My talk en­ti­tled “Clean code in Python”, was about good de­vel­op­ment prac­tices, down to low-lev­el de­sign (with code ex­am­ples), for Python. The idea of the talk, was to present the “python­ic” ap­proach for writ­ing code, and how do gen­er­al con­cepts of clean code ap­ply to Python.

These ex­am­ples might be use­ful for be­gin­ner­s, de­vel­op­ers ex­pe­ri­enced in oth­er lan­guages com­ing to Python, and peo­ple us­ing Python for sci­en­tif­ic ap­pli­ca­tion­s. The ex­am­ples could al­so be help­ful for se­nior de­vel­op­er­s, be­cause they re­mind re­al sit­u­a­tions that might ap­pear in pull re­quest­s, while do­ing a code re­view.

Here is the video on YouTube:

And the slides (which I al­so made avail­able along with the source code, short­ly af­ter the pre­sen­ta­tion fin­ished).

The pre­sen­ta­tion was well re­ceived: some at­ten­dees told me they liked it (even asked for the slides and code), and I got good ad­vices. The fol­low­ing days of the con­fer­ence, more peo­ple told me that they liked the pre­sen­ta­tion, and some oth­ers men­tioned (some­thing I did not think at the be­gin­ning, but that it makes per­fect sense), that these ideas are re­al­ly use­ful for peo­ple us­ing Python in sci­en­tif­ic en­vi­ron­ments.

I am glad it was use­ful for the com­mu­ni­ty.