Notes on the Kafka Summit London 2018

These are some notes and take­aways on the re­cent­ly cel­e­brat­ed Kaf­ka Sum­mit 2018 in Lon­don.

The con­fer­ence was or­ga­nized in three par­al­lel tracks for ses­sions that were cov­er­ing stream pro­cess­ing, pipeli­nes, and in­ter­nal­s. To get a good ex­pe­ri­ence, I at­tend­ed talks of the three type­s, but with a lit­tle pref­er­ence to­wards in­ter­nals and stream­s.

It was a two-­day con­fer­ence with lots of valu­able tech­ni­cal con­tent, awe­some talk­s, speak­er­s, and a lot more. Here are the high­light­s.

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Exploring Generators and Coroutines

Let’s re­vis­it the idea of gen­er­a­tors in Python, in or­der to un­der­stand how the sup­port for corou­tines was achieved in lat­est ver­sions of Python (3.6, at the time of this writ­ing).

By re­view­ing the mile­stones on gen­er­a­tors, chrono­log­i­cal­ly, we can get a bet­ter idea of the evo­lu­tion that lead to asyn­chro­nous pro­gram­ming in Python.

We will re­view the main changes in Python that re­late to gen­er­a­tors and asyn­chro­nous pro­gram­ming, start­ing with PEP-255 (Sim­ple Gen­er­a­tors), PEP-342 (Corou­tines via En­hanced Gen­er­a­tors), PEP-380 (Syn­tax for del­e­gat­ing to a Sub­-­Gen­er­a­tor), and fin­ish­ing with PEP-525 (Asyn­chronous Gen­er­a­tors).

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2017 in Review

A re­cap of the main events and posts through­out the year that is end­ing.

This year I at­tend­ed some con­fer­ences over­seas, where I pre­sent­ed talk­s. First, in June, I went to the beau­ti­ful city of Prague for Py­Con CZ 2017. At first, I got on­ly one talk ap­proved, Dis­cov­er­ing De­scrip­tors, which was a new top­ic I was pre­sent­ing. A few days be­fore the con­fer­ence start­ed, an­oth­er speak­er had to step down, so I was asked to fill in the slot, to which I agreed by propos­ing my talk of clean code in Python. That meant I pre­sent­ed one the first two days of the con­fer­ence, and then at­tend­ed the work­shop on the last day (Sat­ur­day).

The con­fer­ence was nice, and as al­ways, a great op­por­tu­ni­ty for net­work­ing and learn­ing.

Ju­ly was the month for Eu­roPy­thon, a con­fer­ence that is al­ways awe­some. This year, I did not have a talk sched­uled be­fore­hand, as I did last year, but sur­pris­ing­ly enough, on the light­ning talk ses­sions of Mon­day they an­nounced a free slot for the Tues­day, to which I vol­un­teer by sub­mit­ting my new talk, “Dis­cov­er­ing De­scrip­tors”. So, once again, an­oth­er un­ex­pect­ed (but glad), op­por­tu­ni­ty that I had to present a talk at a good con­fer­ence.

On oth­er top­ic­s, I at­tend­ed sev­er­al mee­tups of Python and Go, and be­came more in­volved in dis­trib­uted sys­tem­s.

It was al­so a good year to work more with Dock­er, and start­ed to learn more about Ku­ber­netes.

Re­gard­ing con­tri­bu­tions to open source, I re­leased new ver­sions of most of the projects I have on GitHub, but there is more. I sent the first suc­cess­ful patch to CPython in GitHub (im­por­tant note: at the be­gin­ning of this year, the CPython project moved to GitHub). It was a sim­ple change on the doc­u­men­ta­tion, about de­scrip­tors, that got quick­ly merged, but a good head start.

An­oth­er nice con­tri­bu­tion is that, dur­ing the sprints at Eu­roPy­thon, I worked along the pypy team, and sent some com­mits fix­ing changes for Python 3.6. It was an amaz­ing ex­pe­ri­ence to learn more about the pro­jec­t, and about CPython it­self. Cer­tain­ly some­thing I look for­ward to con­tin­ue do­ing.

For the new year, I ex­pect more con­tri­bu­tions to open source, main­ly on the same projects (CPython and pypy), and re­lease more open source li­braries. Al­so more con­fer­ences, and as al­ways, room for the best which is usu­al­ly the un­ex­pect­ed.