PyCon CZ - Day 3

The third day of the con­fer­ence was host­ed on a dif­fer­ent venue, the Czech Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Prague.

The workshops

I signed up for two work­shop­s: search for fun (and prof­it), and Ef­fec­tive­ly run­ning python ap­pli­ca­tions in Ku­ber­netes / Open­Shift.

They were both great, and left me with lots of in­ter­est­ing top­ics for re­search and do fur­ther work.

The first one walked through the workings of elasticsearch-dsl-py, which was great not only because the explanations were superb, but also because there is probably no better way to review this than from the author himself. I was already experienced with the library, since I’ve used, Elasticsearch with Python, but even though, this workshop gave me a deeper understanding of the concepts behind it (there was a lot about the internals of Elasticsearch, how it works, its configuration, concepts of information retrieval, etc.), so I got new ideas. On the practical side, I’ll check this project.

The second one started with an overview of Kubernetes and OpenShift, and shortly thereafter, we started with the practical assignment, on which we deployed an application on the OpenShift cloud.

The tools required for this are quite interesting. Personally, I prefer the command line tool (oc client) to the web interface, not only because it seems more familiar (for one using Linux), but also because it provides more features and a richer interface. For example (at this point), cron jobs cannot be created through the web interface, but only from the command line with this client (and it was part of the exercise). I personally always find the command line much more complete, useful, and rich (for example it allows automation, scripting, etc.), compared to UIs, so I’ll use the client.

The Venue

The uni­ver­si­ty has a re­al­ly nice build­ing, placed in an equal­ly-nice stu­dent area.