Glimpses of a Vim configuration

It’s been a while since I start­ed track­ing ver­sions of my cus­tom Vim con­fig­u­ra­tion, and mak­ing it avail­able as an open source soft­ware in Github. The best of this project is, in my opin­ion, to have it un­der ver­sion con­trol, so I can track changes and re­leas­es.

Ev­ery once in a while, when I find a new set­ting, or a great new fea­ture, I mod­i­fy the con­fig­u­ra­tion, so they will be­come avail­able on the next re­lease. Be­sides the fea­tures that are men­tioned in the pro­jec­t, and the cus­tomiza­tions made, I feel very com­fort­able with the colour scheme I made.

Here are some glimpses of it:


First cap­ture of colours, and lay­out

The colour scheme is gen­er­al for the syn­tax high­light­ing of all types rec­og­nized by Vim. Please note this might al­so de­pend on the con­fig­u­ra­tion of your ter­mi­nal.


The tabs are al­so themed ac­cord­ing to the menus.

Any sug­ges­tions or im­prove­ments to the code and con­fig­u­ra­tion can be made on the Github projec­t.