
The blog

The main top­ic of this blog is ar­chi­tec­ture in the con­text of soft­ware en­gi­neer­ing. The blog has a tech­ni­cal ap­proach, there­fore top­ics like soft­ware con­struc­tion, in­fras­truc­ture, Lin­ux, and pro­gram­ming par­a­digms are cov­ered (a­mong oth­er­s).

Ev­ery­thing that re­lates some­how to soft­ware ar­chi­tec­ture, is a top­ic suit­able for this blog.

The author

Mar­i­ano is a soft­ware en­gi­neer who spends most of his time cre­at­ing soft­ware with Python, and men­tor­ing fel­low pro­gram­mer­s. Mar­i­ano’s main ar­eas of in­ter­ests be­sides Python are Lin­ux, soft­ware ar­chi­tec­ture, func­tion­al pro­gram­ming, dis­trib­uted sys­tem­s, and speak­ing at con­fer­ences.

He is the au­thor of the book Clean code in Python
