Descriptors are an amazing tool to have in our toolbox, as they come in handy in many opportunities.

Probably the best thing about descriptors, is that they can improve other solutions. Let's see how we can write better decorators, by using descriptors.

Decorate a class method

Imagine we have a very simple decorator, that does nothing but returning a text, with what the original function returns:

class decorator:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        result = self.func(*args, **kwargs)
        return f"decorated {result}"

class Object:
    def class_method(cls):
        return 'class method'

If we apply the decorator to a simple function, it'll work, as expected. However, when it's applied to a class method, we can see an error:

    >>> Object.class_method()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: 'classmethod' object is not callable

The exception is telling us that we tried to call something that is not actually a callable. But if that's the case then, how do class methods run?

The fact is that, this is true, class methods are indeed not callable objects, but we rarely notice this, because when we access a class method, it's usually in the form of <class>.<class_method> (or maybe also from an instance doing self.<class_method>). For both cases the answer is the same: by calling the method like this, the descriptor mechanism is triggered, and will call the __get__ inside the class method. As we already know from the analysis of the types-of-descriptors, @classmethod is actually a descriptor, and the definition of its __get__ method is the one that returns a callable1, but @classmethod is not itself a callable.


@classmethod is not a callable object. It's a descriptor whose __get__ method returns a callable.

Now, when the decorator is applied to the class method, this is equivalent of doing:

class Object:
    class_method = decorator(class_method)

Which doesn't trigger the descriptor protocol, so the __get__ in @classmethod is never called, therefore what the decorator receives, is not a callable, hence the exception.

By now, it becomes clear that if the reason why it fails is because @classmethod is a non-callable descriptor, then the solution must be related to descriptors. And indeed, this can be fixed by just implementing __get__.

class decorator:
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        mapped = self.func.__get__(instance, owner)
        return self.__class__(mapped)

This links the function of the descriptor to the object that is going to use it (in this case, the class), and returns a new instance of the decorator for this function, which does the trick.

It's important to notice that this error was due to the order on which descriptors where applied, because @decorator was decorating @classmethod and not the other way around. This problem wouldn't have occurred if we swapped the order of the decorators. So it's a fair question to ask, why wasn't this just applied like this to begin with? After all, a class method-like functionality is orthogonal from every other sort of decoration we might want to apply, so it makes sense to be it the last one being applied. True, but the fix is rather simple, and more importantly, it makes the decorator more generic and applicable, as it's shown on the next section.


Keep in mind the order of the decorators, and make sure @classmethod is the last one being used, in order to avoid issues. Even despite this consideration, is better to have decorators that will work in many possible scenarios, regardless of their order.

The complete code for this example can be found here

Decorators that change the signature

Scenario: Several parts of the code have callable objects that interact with their parameters in the same way, resulting in code repetition. As a result of that, a decorator is devised in order to abstract that logic in a single place.

For example, we have a function that resolves some attributes based on its parameters, but it does so, by using a helper object, created from the parameters, like this:

def resolver_function(root, args, context, info):
    helper = DomainObject(root, args, context, info)
    return helper.task1()

If there are more functions with this signature doing the same as in the first lines, it'll be better to abstract this away, and simply receive the helper object directly. A decorator like this one should work:

class DomainArgs:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def __call__(self, root, args, context, info):
        helper = DomainObject(root, args, context, info)
        return self.func(helper)

This decorator changes the signature of the original function. Therefore, we decorate a function that will receive a single argument, when in fact (thanks to the decorator), the resulting one will end up receiving the same old four arguments, maintaining compatibility. By applying the decorator, we could happily assume that the required object will be passed by:

def resolver_function2(helper):
    return helper.process()

However, there are also objects whose methods have this logic, and we want to apply the same decorator to them:

class ViewResolver:
    def resolve_method(self, helper):
        response = helper.process()
        return f"Method: {response}"

But with this implementation, it won't work:

    >>> vr = ViewResolver()
    >>> vr.resolve_method('root', 'args', 'context', 'info')
    Traceback (most recent call last)
         39     def __call__(self, root, args, context, info):
         40         helper = DomainObject(root, args, context, info)
    ---> 41         return self.func(helper)
    TypeError: resolve_method() missing 1 required positional argument: 'helper'

The problem is that instance methods are functions, that take an extra first parameter, namely self, which is the instance itself. In this case, the error shown in line 41, means that the decorator is composing the object as usually, and passes it was the first parameter, in the place where self would go for the method, and there is nothing being passed for helper (the parameters are "shifted" on place to the left), hence the error.

In order to fix this, we need to distinguish when the wrapped function is being called from an instance or a class. And descriptors do just that, so the fix is rather simple as in the previous case:

def __get__(self, instance, owner):
    mapped = self.func.__get__(instance, owner)
    return self.__class__(mapped)

The same method works here as well. When the wrapped function is a regular one, the __get__ method doesn't take place at all, so adding it, doesn't affect the decorator. Whereas, when is called from a class, the __get__ method is enabled, returning a bound instance, which will pass self as the first parameter (what Python does internally).


Descriptors can help writing better decorators, by fixing common problems in a very elegant fashion.

Here is the listing for this example.


An equivalent Python implementation of classmethod and others can be found at